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NTT Electronics Adds 200G High Performance DSP to its 20nm Coherent DSP Lineup
— Brand-new DSP Core Expands Capacity or Reach of DWDM Optical Fiber Link —
September 28, 2015

News Highlights:

  • Industry-first 20nm CMOS coherent DSP, leveraged by Broadcom mixed-signal technologies, now provides 200 Gb/s High Performance DSP, in addition to the 100Gb/s Low Power DSP.
  • Brand-new DSP core improves OSNR performance, requires either less optical repeaters or expands fiber reach between optical transceivers.
  • 200 Gb/s Dual Polarization (DP) 16QAM doubles Metro Access fiber capacity, 150Gb/s DP 8QAM upgrades Metro Regional’s capacity, and 100Gb/s DP QPSK expands Long Haul fiber reach.

ECOC 2015

VALENCIA, Spain—NTT Electronics (NEL), a leading supplier of coherent Digital Signal Processor (DSP) solutions to system and module manufacturers worldwide, announced the shipment of its 20nm 200G High Performance DSP Samples to its launch customers. Substantial improvement in the DSP’s Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio (OSNR) performance, in combination with its support of higher-order Quadrature-Amplitude-Modulation (QAM) formats, expands capacity or reach of Metro, Regional, and Long Haul DWDM optical fiber links.

The new 200G High Performance DSP (NLD0660) improves OSNR performance with a brand-new DSP core whose Soft-Decision Forward-Error-Correction (SD-FEC) achieves 12dB Net-Coding-Gain (NCG), allowing either less optical repeaters or longer fiber reach between optical transceivers. In addition to the superior performance, the new High Performance DSP supports a variety of Dual Polarization (DP) modulation formats, 16QAM, 8QAM, and QPSK. 200Gb/s DP 16QAM doubles Metro Access (MA) link capacity, 150Gb/s DP 8QAM upgrades Metro Regional’s (MR’s) capacity, whereas 100Gb/s DP QPSK expands Long Haul (LH) reach through OSNR improvement. If configured with two DSP chips for Nyquist super-channel dual-carrier solution, then dense WDM transmission of 400Gb/s, 300G/s, and 200G/s all per 100GHz spacing or denser are made possible in MA, MR, and LH fiber links respectively.

This is the second 20nm CMOS coherent DSP in NEL’s lineup which is enabled by its ongoing collaboration with Broadcom Corporation (NASDAQ : BRCM). Following the industry-first 20nm Low Power DSP (NLD0640), the new High Performance DSP (NLD0660) leverages the same Broadcom’s industry leading 20nm CMOS signal-processing-enhanced mixed-signal technology.

“We are committed to pioneering innovation in the coherent PHY market through our partnership with Broadcom.” said Haruhiko Ichino, NEL Executive Vice President and General Manager of Broadband System & Device Business Group. “We are proud to see our 20nm CMOS products contributing to fiber links being deployed world-wide. Our commitment continues with the development of additional DSP products including a next-generation DSP using the most-advanced 16nm CMOS process.”

[Product image] High Performance DSP (NLD0660)This product incorporates the results of “Research and Development of Ultra-high-speed and Low-power-consumption Optical Network Technologies” supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan.



Daniele Fadini
Managing Director
NTT Electronics Europe

Atul Srivastava
Chief Technical Officer
NTT Electronics (NEL) America, Inc.


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