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Meet us at OFC 2024
March 18, 2024

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NTT Innovative Devices (formerly NTT Electronics) is exhibiting at OFC 2024, taking place at San Diego, CA, USA, from 26-28 March. Please come and stop by our booth #3429.

photo of booth

NTT Innovative Devices will showcase our latest coherent components which are 1.2Tbps products; “ExaSPEED GAIA”/ “ExaSPEED GAIAex” coherent DSPs and Ultra High Bandwidth Coherent Driver Modulator (UHB-CDM), and 400G products; “ExaSPEED 400-R” coherent DSP, Coherent Optical Sub-Assembly (COSA), and both DSP and COSA co-packaged “ExaLIGHT 400”. These products are applicable to a wide range of optical communication networks from ultra-long haul telecommunications to large-scale data communications. In our booth, we will introduce our 1.2Tbps products and demonstrate the combined performance of ExaSPEED GAIA/GAIAex and UHB-CDM in a movie display. Especially, ExaSPEED GAIAex, a new another package of ExaSPEED GAIA equipped with Exposed Pad can more effectively utilize the wide bandwidth characteristics of UHB-CDM.

We will also exhibit access and client interface components of high-power EML (AXEL: SOA assisted eXtended reach EA-DFB Laser), high-sensitivity APD (Avalanche Photo Diode), and high-sensitivity BTIA (Burst mode TransImpedance Amplifier). Our AXEL and APD offer applications from 10Gbaud up to 50Gbaud and have advantages for high-power/extended reach PON and long reach Ethernet.

Our long experience of PLC (Planar Lightwave Circuit) offers advanced PLC components of multi band multicast switch, MUX/DEMUX filter for data communication transceivers and multi core FIFO (Fan In / Fan Out).

Furthermore, our cutting-edge optical devices are used in non-telecom applications such as optical spectroscopy and fields sensing. DFB lasers, Wavelength Conversion Module, THz products, PLC chips for RGB coupler and LiDAR application are also showcased at the booth.

Every participant at OFC is welcome to stop by our booth and get more information about our new products!

Exhibited Products

  • Coherent Components
  • Client Interface Components
  • Advanced PLC Components
  • DFB lasers
  • THz products for NDI and 6G wireless
  • PPLN wavelength conversion module
  • PLC chip for visible light, LiDAR application

OFC Exhibition

26th Mar. - 28th Mar., 2024
San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, United States
Booth #


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