Access and Client Interface Components
For evolution of access and client network interface, NTT Innovative Devices provides unique access and client interface components, such as high-output power LD, high sensitive APD and burst mode TIA or 5G access and PON networks.

25G-based APD

High power EML

10G/1Gbps Burst mode TIA

10G/2.5G/1Gbps Burst mode TIA
NTT Innovative Devices website
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25G-based APD
- Outline
- Application
- Features
25Gbaud APD (Avalanche Photodiode) offers cost-effective solution with low power consumption and extension of transmission distance beyond 10km reach for MFH/MBH of 5G and Ethernet. It can support transmission distances of nearly 30km without FEC and 40km with FEC. NTT Innovative Devices provides InP-APD chip-on-carrier (CoC) as a component for optical sub-assembly (OSA) for both NRZ and PAM4 application.
Low power consumption is realized by using APD as compared to PIN with optical amplifier.
- Optical receivers for 25G/50G/100G/200G-based Ethernet and access network
- InP-based APD
- 25.78Gbps and 27.95Gbps
- High responsivity and gain, High resistivity for overload
- Applicable for both of NRZ and PAM4 operation
High power EML
- Outline
- Application
- Features
High power EML (SOA assisted extended reach EA-DFB Laser) consist of an EA-DFB Laser monolithically integrated with SOA. The SOA assists output power and extends transmission reach with low power consumption. The 25Gbaud high power EML chip offers output power of +9 dBm (OMA) and it is useful for LAN-WDM and 5G applications. 10G high power EML chip for PON applications is also available. NTT Innovative Devices provides high power EML chip on carrier (CoC) as component of optical sub-assembly (OSA) for both of NRZ and PAM4 operations.
Low power consumption is achieved with SOA integrated EML (about 50% reduction at chip level compared with conventional EML).
- 10G EML for 10G-EPON, XG (S) -PON, NG-PON2
- 25G EML (under development ) for 25GbE ER, 50GbE ER, 200GbE ER4, 400GbE ER8, and 25G E-PON
- 10G EML
- 1.57um +9dBm (10G E-PON, XGS-PON)
- 1.59um +9dBm (NG-PON2) - 25G EML (under development)
- 1.3um +6dBm
10G/1Gbps Burst mode TIA
- Outline
- Application
- Features
- High input sensitivity and Low Noise
- High-speed AGC response
10G/2.5G/1Gbps Burst mode TIA
- Outline
- Application
- Features
- High input sensitivity and Low Noise
- High-speed AGC response